These unique paintings depict images and scenes that are an integral part of village life and Mayan culture and history around Lake Atitlan. Some of the most prevalent themes are planting and harvesting of coffee and corn, the outdoor market place, typical foods, traditional clothing, nature and the environment. The Mayan history, “Cosmovision”(world view), traditional ceremonies and festivals and the intersection of the modern world with the traditional culture are also themes the artists feel are important to help increase appreciation of and preserve their culture both at home and in the world.

The artists are known for their distinctive style, sometimes known as “art naif”, and for the “vista de pajaro” (bird’s eye view) perspective. Their works of art have been exhibited in places such as the Smithsonian in Washington and galleries and shows internationally. All works are oil on canvas. Sizes range from 3"x3" to 30"x50" and prices from $15 - $1,200. For a complete listing of our inventory, please visit our online store: (you can copy and paste to your browser, or click on the link on our home page).

This collection features both better and lesser known artists who paint not so much for individual recognition, but more to celebrate their culture and way of life. They often learn their skills and styles from other artists and family members much in the same way as the textile artists of their communities who have woven their history and culture into their fabrics for centuries. 


 Ottoniel Chavajay. El Mercado. 50"x30"

Ottoniel Chavajay, Harvesting Coffee, 24x32

Angelina Quic Ixtamer, Harvesting Coffee, 20x50

Gregorio Coche Mendoza, Mercado (Market) 12x27

Noe Edel Yojcum, Fishing from Cayuco (traditional dug out canoe), 15x30

Noe Edel Yojcum, Harvesting Corn, 12x27

Ottoniel Chavajay, Harvesting Corn, 12x27

Noe Edel Yojcum, Bringing fruit to market, 12x27

Gregorio Coche Mendoza, 9x11

Noe Edel Yojcum, Mercado (market), 16x20

Jose Yojcum, Bringing Fruit to Market in Cayuco (traditional dug out canoe), 12x27

Noe Edel Yojcum, Fish Market, 12x16

Ottoniel Chavajay, Harvesting Apples, 5x7

Ottoniel Chavajay, Harvesting Bananas, 12x16

Ottoniel Chavajay, Harvesting Corn, 24x32
Humberto Cortez, Tejedora (weaver) 12x16

Ottoniel Chavajay, Woman with Flowers, 9x11

Lorenzo Cruz, Espalda (back), 20x24

Lorenzo Cruz, Two Tejedoras with Candle, 24x32

Pedro Gonzalez - Espalda 9" x 11"
Pedro Gonzalez - Three espaldas (backs) of women with produce for market. 12"x27"

Antonio Coche Mendoza, Espalda (back) 12x16

Ottoniel Chavajay, Tejedora (weaver) 5x7

Fruits and Vegetables

Gregorio Coche Mendoza, Corn, 12x27

Gregorio Coche Mendoza, Eggplant, 6x8
Gregorio Coche Mendoza, Apples, 3x4
Gregorio Coche Mendoza, Limes, 3x4

Gregorio Coche Mendoza, Melons, 6x8

Gregorio Coche Mendoza, Oranges, 12x27

Gregorio Coche Mendoza, Limes, 12x27

Gregorio Coche Mendoza, Peppers, 12x27

Gregorio Coche Mendoza, Pineapples, 6x8

Gregorio Coche Mendoza, Tomatoes, 6x8

Gregorio Coche Mendoza, Watermelons, 12x27

Antonio Pur Gonzalez, Avacado, 3x4

Jose Yojcum, Corn - Four Colors, 24x32

Landscapes and Nature

Ottoniel Chavajay, Lake Atitlan, 7x15
Nicolas Ajcac, Lake Atitlan, 3x4

Gregorio Coche Mendoza, Hummingbirds, 12x27

Sarah Ajcac, Quetzal, 3x4
Sarah Ajcac, Bird, 3x4

Juan Edwin Mendoza, Bird, 5x7

Juan Edwin Mendoza, Bird, 5x7

Mariano Chavajay - Nature scene - 5x6

Mariano Chavajay - Birds 5x6

Nicolas Ajcac- Lake Atitlan 3x4

Pedro Gonzalez, Lake Atitlan, 3x4

Pedro Gonzalez, Lake Atitlan, 7x15

Andres Rocche, Quetzal, 12x27

Antonio Pur Gonzalez, Quetzal and Parrot, 6x8

Mayan Ceremonies and Cosmovision 

(world view)

Mario Gonzalez Chavajay, El Fruto de la Invasion, 33x39
Mario Gonzalez Chavajay, La Vida 20x30

Juan Carlos Chavajay, Mayan Pictograph and Glyphs, 9x11
Pablo Horacio Cruz, Mayan Pictograph, 14x24

Pablo Horacio Cruz, Ancient Mayan Motif, 6.5x8.5
(paper cut out on card stock)

Pablo Horacio Cruz, Ancient Mayan Motif, 6.5x8.5
(paper cut out on card stock)

Pablo Horacio Cruz, Ancient Mayan Motif, 6.5x8,5
(paper cut out on card stock)

Juan Edwin Mendoza Perez - Shaman blowing conche shell with animist figures. 24"x32"


Humberto Cortez, Abstract of Men in Cayucos
(tradtional dug out canoes) 9x11

Jose Manuel Chavajay, Young Woman in Traditional Wear with Grafitti background 24x32

Marlon Puac, Abstract of Traditional weaving, 24x32

Mariano Gonzalez Chavajay, abstract Espalda (back) 10x12

Mariano Gonzalez Chavajay, Three Espaldas with abstract background, 8x16

Mariano Gonzalez Chavajay - 

Tejedora (weaver) 6x7